MCFD 6 Union Fire, IAFF, Chief Clint Volk and the Washington State Coverups.

Chief Volk and the Mason County Fire Chiefs’ Association coverup Volk’s discrimination, retaliation, and antisemitism when he was the drillmaster of the Mason County Fire Academy in 2019.

More about Chief Volk and Chief Sexton, Hoodsport Fire:

Decades of Volk Cover-ups
Volk Double-Standards

The Shelton Police Department recommended two chargers of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor in the First Degree. The City of Shelton paid $82,000.00 to Clint Volks’ subordinate with whom he had a sexual relationship before her 18th birthday according to the PD report and federal charges of discrimination.

In response to the continuing lies and coverup by Mason County Fire departments, the City of Shelton, Shelton School Board and the IAFF, we will be posting the full police report and interviews shortly. These morally corrupt efforts are being spearheaded by Chief Michael Sexton of the Hoodsport Fire Department and Chief Pattie of the Central Mason Fire.

Clint Volk was terminated from Shelton Fire because he had sex with at least 4 female subordinates in the Shelton High School Volunteer program. All 4 of these women left the program and the fire service. Mr. Volk lied throughout this investigation and acted without any remorse investigators say.

There are at least ten firefighters that have left the fire service because of Chief Volk according to the public documents. Supporters of Volk will end anyone who makes a complaint about Volk, no matter the body count.

Volk’s Statement to Shelton Police

Volk attempts to cover-up the criminal investigation
(Sexual Misconduct with a Minor in the 1st degree)
and failed through the courts.

Because the courts ruled that it was unconstitutional, therefore illegal to withhold these documents and information from the public and or future employers; IAFF Local 2394 president and fmr. Assistant Fire Chief at Central Mason Fire and EMS, Mike Sobotka springs into action and initiates the cover-up.

The City of Shelton was, and is, more interested in protecting the coverup contract than doing the right thing according to their own internal documents, thus marginalizing these young women and sexual misconduct at the fire department. The IAFF, Chief Sobotka, and the City of Shelton concealed the truth and created an elaborate lie so Volk could immediately be hired in Union, WA just 18 miles away and within the Mason County ILA.

Clint Volk was the president of the Local IAFF chapter for the City of Shelton when he committed his misconduct and was fired.

The IAFF, Local IAFF 2394, and the City of Shelton did not respond to written requests to dissolve the cover-up contact in 2019 and 2020. The cover-up contract is still in force today supported by the City of Shelton Council Members and City Manager Jeff Niten using Taxpayer money and City Attornies. Their own documents show a 2020 whole of government policy to “not engage” with anyone regarding this coverup contract as it may “expose the city to litigation from Chief Volk”.

The IAFF 2394, the City of Shelton, Shelton Schools Board, Mason County Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Chief Michael Sexton, Candidate for State Representative, Eric E. Robertson, MCFD 6, Hoodsport Fire, and CMFE are all sending a clear message to any firefighter that makes any complaint against a superior. They will spend taxpayer money and use lawyers to end your career and often worse. Mason County Fire Departments have used protection orders more than six times in 2019 to suppress, discredit and intimidate firefighters that make complaints about Volk. These orders were entirely funded by the taxpayer at a cost of more than $15,000.00 in 2019 alone. The respondents in these intimidation efforts consider these tactics “good trouble” and are not dissuaded in their efforts to expose misconduct.

Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers

Public records show, using taxpayer funds, while on duty, and using fire department offices, computers and staff, Chief Volk coordinates with Chief Sexton from Hoodsport Fire in an attempt to take legal action against a political action group with their lawyer Charles W. Lind (Chuck Lind) in response to 1st amendment protected political activities shown below.

There are three tort claims currently pending in Mason County and one at the WSP, because of Chief Volks’ misconduct in 2019. Totaling $2,000,000.00


District Court documents show that in 2021 Clint Volk falsified meeting minutes requested for a records demand in bad faith. The case is ongoing and still racking up taxpayer funds to cover up more Chief Clint Volk’s wrongdoing.

Another $94k of taxpayer money

2021 Washington Courts

The below 2021 court documents show that Chief Volk and Public Records Officer Heather Fredricson, altered and forged meeting minutes, destroyed public records, withheld public records, provided bad faith and outrageously false testimony to the police, the superior courts, and the state auditor. Court filings further show that Volk has a history of wantonly, intentionally, and maliciously attacking and besmirching the character of any firefighter that files a complaint against him.

Shelton Schools

Shelton Schools, WA Mason County employees, Don Welander and Linda Arnold, in coordination with the Union Fire Department (MCFD 6) are blocking the lawful release of public records since August 2019 pertaining to Sexual Misconduct with minor students.

The email below reveals that someone from MCFD 6 contacted the Shelton School to proactively stop our investigation into Volks sexual misconduct with high school students. MCFD 6 will stop at nothing to protect Chief Volk.

CMFE Official Statement, 2019

“Chief Volk has paid dearly for the issues you are trying to re-raise”

Chief Volk makes about $100,000.00 a year, did he really “pay dearly” or did the taxpayers pay and these firefighters pay with their dignity, mental health, and careers? Raising issues of officer misconduct, active cover-ups, and antisemitism within the fire service are topics that decidedly need open discussion, not another cover-up, more threats, and intimidation. The CMFE officer continues his statements about Chief Volk, “If YOU feel ashamed of your affiliation, then perhaps you need to reexamine why you are a member of the organization“.

In a recent State of Washington study, firefighters report that a serious concern amongst first responders is retaliation. The study also speaks to the mental health damage caused by fears of retaliation, pushing firefighters not to make lawful complaints. In this and other cases the facts show that there really is no point in making a complaint. Officers and public officials will protect each other no matter the cost to taxpayers. These and other documents reveal that these officials consider rank and file firefighters disposable.

Central Mason Fire “CMFE” and the City of Shelton, both have demonstrated by their actions up to and including 2020, that, there is an expiry date on Sexual Misconduct. They have warmly welcomed Chief Volk back into the command structure of CMFE via ILA’s and ICS for more than a decade. He attends weekly meetings in the very same fire station he was ordered to leave when he was suspended from duty then fired. Not a single CMFE official has ever once offered any support for these young women and or others, it’s like they, or we, never existed, it’s like nothing ever happened.

On Sept 4, 2019, Michael D. Patti, Assistant Fire Chief CMFE, vigorously defends Volk from his official work email; “This is old news” “I am proud of Chief Volk” “You should be proud of your fire department and if you can’t, you should move on”. Chief Patti also taunts and insults this concerned citizen by writing in his communique about Volk, “You are the laughing stock of the county” in contradiction to his code of conduct. He then immediately informs Chief Volk and MCFD 6 officials of his strong defense and threat letters. He flagrantly threatens and intimidates residents in his official correspondence about Volk, “Be careful of what you are accusing. The penalties are severe”. In retaliation, Volk then publishes on the internet and at public meetings, the identity, address, and even a map of the Union, WA residents home of whom he believes contacted Chief Patti about this legitimate concern to the public. Volk spitefully singled out this concerned citizen utilizing MCFD6 assets, taxpayer money, and with the support of all MCFD 6 commissioners and officials.

On March 7, 2023, Thomas S Nevers Sr, a former CMFE Commissioner reiterated that the opinion and the policy of the commissioners of other Shelton Fire Department was and is; that the sexual assault of minors in your chain of command that happened 20 years ago should be forgiven in an email from It seems Mason County Fire Commissioners and Fire Cheifs feel fucking minors at the fire department should be forgiven.

At the bottom of this page is the contact information for anyone to get their own copies of these public records that he is somehow calling “misinformation” in response to his letter.

CMFE Command and the IAFF routinely send young firefighters to MCFD 6 for training under Chief Volk, fully aware of his past misconduct, cash settlements, and termination. Any first-year law student would surely suggest how wreckless this is; not to mention morally bankrupt and a slap in the face of the victims of his past sexual misconduct. Not only is Volk’s misconduct dismissed by these officials, but he is also celebrated on the IAFF’s Facebook page. Imagine what Volk’s victims must think and feel when they see posts like this.

Assistant Fire Chief Patti of CMFE who is also the head of the City of Shelton Fire Marshals Office; unlawfully destroyed public records and some of these destroyed documents relate to Chief Volk and the continuing cover-up. We have been working to recover these records since September 2019, progress is deliberately sluggish, intentionally slowing our investigations. CMFE resources and taxpayer money are being wasted to recover these destroyed documents from backup mail servers utilizing specialized third-party IT support. Destroying public records is a crime in the state of Washington.

In 2020 the board of CMFE commissioners Tom Taylor, Tom Nevers, and, Steve Pierce was informed in writing and in person about the aforementioned scandals, they never responded, but they did promote Mr. Pattie to Fire Chief of CMFE just days after.

Mason County Jurnal: April 18, 2019, by Dana Kampa 

Washington State Representative, Eric E Robertson

Mr. Robertson worked to protect Chief Clint Volk by ending his so-called investigation into racism and antisemitism early and without any notice. He never considered or reported on Chief Volks’ documented history of sadistic hazing, termination for making false statements to police and his employers, abuse of power, and sexual misconduct with two minors under his command. Eric Robertson is a former WSP Captain and is endorsed by two WSP associations. This information was never disclosed to the firefighter that was involved in the so-called investigation. The WSP and Eric Robertson worked corruptly to cover up for Chief Volk, again.

MCFD 6 Commissioner Richard Heinrich makes several false statements about Chief Volk.

Richard HeinrichLIED to the public. He clearly stated that Volk was “not fired” from the City of Shelton. He lies a second time and says Mr. Volk had nothing to do with the $82,000 settlement.

In Mason County, complaints are ignored, commissioners and officers lie with impunity. Firefighters that make lawful complaints are eliminated with extreme prejudice. There are many videos of Hoodsport Fire Department fire chief Michael Sexton demonstrating his strong support for Chief Volk and Richard Heinrich in the face of many lies. Sexton also makes false statements and participates in yet another cover-up about Volk’s misconduct. Chief Sexton is another Mason County official whose actions support Volk, a slap in the face to all the firefighters Volk has ended and the 4 young female firefighters involved with Volk’s sexual misconduct. Fire Chief Sexton has also ignored complaints about Volk’s untoward conduct in 2019 while Volk was the drillmaster at the MCFA, those complaints resulted in Federal Charges of Discrimination and Retaliation. Sexten supports Volks’ along with the Commissioners of MCFD 18, Gail Dion Cochran, Leonard Weaver, and Mike Murray. None of these people have made public statements condemning Sexton’s demonstrably false public statements or Volk’s misconduct or cover-ups, not once, not ever.

Volk’s Captain Assaults Women

According to Sheriff documents, MCFD 6 Fire Captain Cody T. Daggett assaulted an elderly woman in 2019 and called her “The Enemy” as he safeguards the many Volk cover-ups.

This was not the first time Fire Captain Daggett and other MCFD 6 members have taken vindictive and damaging actions against women, corruptly utilizing their government positions with the Union, WA Fire Department. One victim of MCFD 6 describes the attack as “terrorizing to tears”. MCFD 6 officials strike in a coordinated and relentless attack at “enemy” female family members at their Mason County workplace until they are fired or forced to resign.

2019 Allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Another cover-up.

2019 allegations of sexual misconduct at MCFD 6, Chief Clint Volk.

Ms. Heather Fredricson, office manager at the Union Fire Department and a subordinate of Chief Volk, was assigned the task of “investigating” Chief Volk for sexual misconduct pursuant to allegations. Documents show that the investigation consisted of Ms. Fredricson sending one email to active members of The Mighty Mason 6, and excluded any past members. This single email asked for feedback regarding these new 2019 allegations. Heather’s so-called “in-depth” investigation was authorized, fully conducted, completed and a report authored in just ten days. She summarized to her employers that none of the current members reported any misconduct, therefore, Chief Volk was totally exonerated of “past and current” sexual abuse allegations in this phony, tax-payer funded investigation. She also asserts there have been “no complaints or issues” about Chief Volk, ever. The facts are there have been complaints as published in the local paper, Ms. Fredricson is promoting a whitewashed big lie and provided yet another cover-up for her employer Chief Volk.

Additionally, Chief Volk is the Public Records Officer for MCFD 6, he is legally empowered to have unfettered and unsupervised access to all email and accounts and documents at Mason Fire District 6 to perform this role. There is zero credulity to say the responses of this so-called confidential email survey would be kept secret. This so-called “investigation” would be laughable if it was not so very corrupt on its face.



Taxpayer-Funded Cover-up

MCFD 6 Commissioners will appear in court to face a recall petition Tuesday by the Mason County Auditor, October 4th, 2022.

Lying, cheating, and misappropriation of public funds. Classic MCFD 6 conduct.

Public Records from the city of Shelton: HERE

Public Records from MCFD6: HERE

Public Records CMFE Shelton Fire Department: HERE

Announcement: As of Feb 1, 2023, this site will not be maintained. If you’d like to purchase the site, please contact the Admin. For updates on the shit show that is Mason County and Mr. Volk, we suggest filing public records requests, attending meetings, and following along with new and exciting litigation in WA and Federal courts. Have a nice life Mason County, get out of that shithole while you can.

Published in 2019, 2020 2021, 2022.

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