Armed Mason County Fire Department acting as the police.

In the below call report from Macecom, Chief Clint Volk acts like he is a police officer and pulls over a car with his Mason County Fire Department command truck from MCFD6 “The Mighty Mason Six”. Mr. Volk proceeds to detain this person until the real cops arrive, depriving them of their civil rights.

A complaint was filed with the Mason County Sheriff’s Office and supervisors said it was “normal practice” and “commended firefighters” who pull over folks and detain them. When a civilian detains someone it’s called kidnapping. This practice is clearly unconstitutional and wildly illegal for the county to endorse. A lawful public records request was made to the sheriff’s office for all records and bodycams related to this complaint and they refused to produce anything new.

A separate complaint was made to the commissioners of MCFD6 and they also encouraged their firefighters to act like the police. But it’s Mason County and the good old boys club doesn’t ever stop Clint Volk, not once, not ever. Mason County Taxpayers will continue to pay settlements and legal fees to allow Clint Volk to terrorize folks in Mason County, now, with the support of the police. So far he has cost the hard-working taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and there is no end in sight.

A third complaint was sent to the Mason County Commissioners and they also failed to even respond.

Check out Volk’s years of tyranny in Mason County HERE

Under Chief Michael Sexton, the Hoodsport Fire Department members are allowed to carry concealed firearms while on duty. In fact, Chief Sexton carries a gun while on duty and his board of commissioners ignored and dismissed complaints as recently as 2023 by current and former firefighters. So if you are calling 911 for help, be aware, that untrained and uninsured folks with guns will arrive at your home, office, or school armed to the teeth with the blessing of Chief Sexton. You may also get pulled over by a firefighter and detained if you are passing through the wild wild west of Mason County.